
Posts Tagged ‘abuse of power’

Democracy Now! has updated the story. Amy Goodman, Sharif Abdel Koudduos and Nicole Salazar have been released, but face pending criminal charges for attempting to fulfill their duties as members of the fourth estate and citizens of a fragile republic.

Amy Goodman was arrested this evening outside the Republican National Convention. See the video of her arrest.

 She received a call informing her of the arrest of two Democracy Now!journalists while she was on the floor of the RNC.

Goodman went to the scene of the arrest and became concerned after seeing Salazar in custody with a  bloody nose. After attempting to intervene, Goodman was arrested by several police officers

How long will we lay supine as our constitutional rights are crushed under their boots? The police state requires our consent, or at least our negligence.

This video is several months old and hard to watch – but reminiscent of the behavior of soldiers in fascist dictatorships in the Southern Cone during the 70s and 80s.

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